
Advance expanded to Peru in 2014 in partnership with indigenous organization, CADEP. In the region of Cuzco, we are working to transform the health and quality of life for hundreds of families in the Peruvian highlands.   Close to the city of Cuzco is the well-known attraction, Machu Picchu, leading thousands of tourists to pass through this city on an annual basis. What many do not know is that just beyond the city and in the Peruvian highlands lie hundreds of rural villages, filled with families who live in extreme poverty. In fact, just reaching some of these villages can take 8 to 12 hours by car on windy, treacherous roads. Local farmers, mothers, teachers, nurses, and government authorities are concerned with malnourished children, unclean drinking water, and poor housing conditions. While this area is a top producer of potatoes, families are eager to learn how to plant more fruits and vegetables so that their diet can be better balanced. The high altitude and mountainous, bare, terrain makes it difficult to sustain diverse crops.   Advance works with local government authorities, community leaders, teachers, and families to address the needs of families and communities in Peru - all with the goal of building capacity within these communities, while prioritizing the preservation of cultural and indigenous traditions.   Our plans for bringing health and hope to the Peruvian people include:
  • Building ecological homes that are safe, environmentally-friendly, and decrease risk for disease
  • Training local farmers on using indigenous potato varieties for improved agricultural production
  • Educating families on the prevention of diseases like diarrhea, respiratory infection, and other health illnesses that affect local villages
  • Providing clean water sources through filtration systems and chlorine for each home
  • Sending surgical teams to provide much-needed medical care
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Spring Cleaning: The Fridge

The Fridge “If you keep good food in your fridge, you will eat good food.”  – Errick McAdams, Personal Trainer National Nutrition Month serves as a reminder to prioritize our health and well-being by making...

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Full Stomach, Happy Heart

A classic phrase repeated with love by Spanish speakers everywhere is “Barriga llena, corazon contento,” literally translating as full stomach, happy heart.  This adage celebrates food and the feeling of contentment from eating a big...

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