Bridge Players Supporting Global Surgical Missions
Help us send volunteer surgical teams to change lives!
Sadly 1 in every 10 children worldwide live with a disability.
This fact alone makes them less likely to attend school and become literate. It also makes them more likely to experience discrimination, neglect, and abuse.
What is even more disappointing is that children suffering from disabilities like club foot, bowed legs, and dislocated hips don’t have to be permanent. If treated early enough these children can live full lives!
Our volunteer medical teams are ready to be sent to provide more surgeries than ever before! Your gift of $120 provides a surgery for a child in need, your gift of $240 provides two surgeries! You can read about David, his life was changed when generous donors chose to help him through donating! Read his story HERE!
San Diego Bridge players donate here
Scottsdale Bridge players donate here
The Bridge community has made a big impact in peoples lives for several years! Thank you for your generosity! You can read more about past Bridge community support HERE.