Investing in Health: Make a Difference to Children Month

Many stories about children’s fates in low-income countries focus on what cannot be, instead of what can.
This deficit mindset fails to acknowledge what healthy children will be able to do for themselves and their communities if they start off on the right foot.
Health and education are the cornerstones of Advance’s mission. In communities where access to basic healthcare is a luxury, we strive to ensure every child receives the medical attention they deserve.
National Make a Difference to Children Month focuses on supporting vulnerable children and highlights the importance of helping children find needed supports and mentorship to help them succeed.
In addition to the importance of pivotal role models, Advance believes that health is also critical to children’s development in low-income environments.
Advance has much experience promoting health and providing direct healthcare interventions in both the U.S. and abroad and would like to share one of its many experiences supporting children in their journey toward optimal health.
In April 2022, Advance conducted a surgical mission trip in Guyacil, Ecuador. One nine-year-old girl suffered limb malformations and was operated on by an orthopedic surgical team visiting from the United States.

Advance Patient, Quiñonez Loor Ninoska Narcisa
The girl, Quiñonez Loor Ninoska Narcisa, recovered well after her survey and now has higher self-confidence and can carry out daily activities and participate in sports that she never could before.

Ninoska in recovery
“This surgery at the León Becerra Hospital in Guayaquil is much more efficient than in public and private health centers, due to the long wait times. Also, we would not have been able to afford the high cost of an orthopedic surgery in a private clinic,” said Ninoska’s mother.
This is just one of Advance’s many examples from its real-world work. Another positive and uplifting story can be found in Juanito’s life-altering surgery.
Advance recognizes the importance of not only addressing immediate health needs but also providing sustainable health solutions that empower children for a brighter future.
This is why Advance invests in short-term health missions and contributes to communities’ long-term success through ongoing educational and economic advancement opportunities.
As we reflect on our work and the significance of this month, we invite you to join us in our mission. Your support can make a world of difference in the lives of these children.
Whether it is through donating, volunteering your time, or simply spreading the word about our cause, every action you take helps us move closer to our goal.
Together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their circumstances.
As we embrace the spirit of National Make a Difference to Children Month, let’s unite in our commitment to building a brighter, healthier future for all.
The future is bright, and we hope you can join us in our mission to support children worldwide.