
Arizona, USA

We advance community through nutrition and health education in Arizona

Arizona, USA Map


Our Mission in Arizona, USA

What we do in Arizona

Since 2000, Advance has been helping communities across Arizona thrive through health education and fresh, nutritious meals for children, adults, and seniors.

We provide health education and resources to at-risk and under-served Latino youth, adults, and seniors throughout Maricopa County. With over 50,000 families served, we support the most vulnerable in our state by providing vital resources and essential, culturally appropriate education taught in their native language – allowing them to build healthier, more promising futures.


Your Donations Make a Difference

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Fall Newsletter

Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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Show Up! Growing the Next Generation of Community Health Leaders

Teenagers Taking the First Steps Toward Community Health Leadership Imagine being a teenager and already taking the first steps toward becoming a community health worker. That’s exactly what 22 motivated…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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¡Show Up! Empoderando a los Líderes de Salud Pública del Mañana

¡Show Up! Empoderando a los Líderes de Salud Pública del Mañana Por Simonne Campos En una iniciativa dinámica destinada a fomentar una nueva generación de profesionales de la salud pública,…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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Helping Hands for Little Hearts: How We’re Making a Difference for Kids Year-Round

By Simonne Campos July is National Make a Difference to Children Month!   This special celebration and campaign was established in 2006 by Kim Ratz, a child advocate and former school…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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Show Up! Empowering Tomorrow’s Public Health Leaders  

Show Up! Empowering Tomorrow’s Public Health Leaders By Simonne Campos In a dynamic initiative aimed at fostering a new generation of public health professionals, Advance Community proudly launched its first…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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Mentes Nutritivas: el Papel de las Dietas Saludables en la Salud Mental

Mayo es el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Salud Mental, un tiempo dedicado a crear conciencia sobre los problemas de salud mental y promover la importancia del bienestar mental.…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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Chequeo y Autoevaluación este Mes de la Salud de la Mujer

El Mes de la Salud de la Mujer es mucho más que solo el remedio tradicional de ejercicio y nutrición; se trata de tomarse el tiempo de hacer una autoevaluación…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare

22 Years of Celebrating “Nuestras Mamas de la Communidad” our Community Mothers

For the past 22 years, Advance Community (formerly Esperança) has celebrated the mothers in the community we serve. Forget Hallmark cards and brunch reservations! We celebrate the vibrant heart of…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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Give today and anytime throughout the year! Today is the Day! It just takes one minute to make a difference, and we only ask for 60 seconds of your time to support Advance’s…
Community Health Education Garden Medicare
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Spreading Love: A Recap of Happy Hearts Fair 2024

We had a great time educating and empowering families to take control of their heart health and well-being through engaging and interactive methods!
Community Health Education Garden Medicare

See what impact we're having in other communities